Chestnut Color
In the RGB color model 954535 is comprised of 5843 red 2706 green and 2078 blue.
Chestnut color. The sapwood or outermost part can also be light brown or may appear as a pale white. It has a hue angle of 0 degrees a saturation of 531 and a lightness of 582. Chestnut 954535 Hex Color Code The color chestnut with hexadecimal color code 954535 is a medium dark shade of red.
Chestnut or castaneous is a colour a medium reddish shade of brown displayed right and is named after the nut of the chestnut tree. Chestnut horses have darker reddish-brown coats and can often become so dark that youll confuse them with seal-brown shade. UNDER PARTS ARE REDDISH - BROWN.
In a RGB color space hex cd5c5c also known as Chestnut Indian red is composed of 804 red 361 green and 361 blue. FREE Shipping on orders over 25 shipped by Amazon. 56 Fl Oz Pack of 1 45 out of 5 stars.
Each color scheme contains the html color codes you will need when coding your website template. The most popular colors of horses in the American Quarter Horse Association are chestnut and sorrel. Whereas in a CMYK color space it is composed of 0 cyan 551 magenta 551 yellow and 196 black.
The hex codes can be found underneath each of the color swatches. They use a genetic. HEAD AND BLACK SHOW THE SAME COLOR.
John Frieda Precision Foam Color 5NGB Medium Chestnut Brown Color-Nourishing Permanent Hair Color Kit Deep Color Saturation 100 Grey Coverage. Chestnut hair looks gorgeous against every skin color thanks to its warm bronze-y base but Im especially digging it swept into a messy ponytail against Johnsons porcelain skin. What Color is Chestnut Wood.