
Here are the three different curl types for Type 3 curly hair.
Curly-hair-type-3. 68K Readers Product Reviews. 156K Hair Type 4. 31K Trying a Shampoo-Free.
Moving on from the wavy S-shaped curls to those bouncy lose or tight spirals so many of us try to imitate by going in for perms or spending a girls night fitting rollers or sponges in each others hair. 3A curls are the finest and are known to be the easiest type to maintain. Find the right styles tips and products to keep your type 3 curls looking their best every day.
Type 3 Curly Hair from type 3a curly hairstyles. The curl pattern may resemble a lowercase s uppercase S or sometimes an uppercase Z or lowercase z. It is known to have an S-shape.
This subdivision represents the structure of the hair strands and tells you how thick the hair is fine medium or thick. Curious about your hair type. Your hair is not quite kinky not quite wavy but somewhere in between.
In hair industry curly hair types are classified as type 3 hair. He determined that hair falls into four categories which he breaks down each category into various subtypes. 3 hair types compare notes here and be sure check out our amazing Type 3 content area too.
107K Hair Type 3. Curly not coily or wavy. The hairstyle can be a pain.