Dark Maroon Color

B22222 rgb 1783434 hsl 06842 brown.
Dark maroon color. The maroon color hex code is 800000. Maroon is a dark brownish-red color created by mixing red and violet or blue. Hair dying the process is the cover of hair dye for the graying hair most commonly used.
One of over 3500 exclusive Benjamin Moore colors. An area rug red flecked window treatments or pillows are great places to experiment with red easily sparking up any space. Receive The Latest Inspiration and Advice.
SKIP TO MAIN CONTENT. One of over 3500 exclusive Benjamin Moore colors. Ford Dark Maroon 2f0909 Hex Color Code.
Dark Burgundy has the hex code 65081F. Stir gently while observing keenly the color you see is the paints hue. Thus 005104 Emerald Green and 040051 Cetacean Blue along with 510400 create a stunning and beautiful triadic palette with the maximum variation in hue and therefore offering the best possible contrast when taken together.
Because of its dark red hue maroon can still sometimes look similar to brown. Auto paint base for varnish ECAH DARK MAROON complete with varnish has a high content of dry residue so that the paint is well concealed from the first layer so that the consumption is minimized. To maintain a natural sheen and nourish your hair dark maroon color are made using safe materials and ammonia-free.
One of over 3500 exclusive Benjamin Moore colors. Auto-enamel perfectly lays on the surface and has unsurpassed saturation and color depth which persists throughout the life of the product. A52a2a rgb 1654242 hsl 05941 darkred.