
My version of the Hogwarts Care of Magical Creatures OWL exams which take place in fifth year.
Harry-potter-care-of-magical-creatures-quiz. Ad Mr Toys Stock All The Latest Toys. Arya - Updated on. Choose one to start playing.
Shop Online Or Visit Us In Store. Rowling told us of the good creatures such as owls the messengers of the wizarding world hippogriffs proud but loyal winged beasts and phoenixes magical birds that could heal almost anything with their tears. Whether you share Hagrids affinity for all things furry or prefer to steer clear of those who.
Ad Mr Toys Stock All The Latest Toys. 2007-08-19 - 9573 takers. People can be a bit stupid about their pets Lets Play.
Hp Creatures Hogwarts Trivia Magical Creatures. Could You Pass The Care Of Magical Creatures Exam. From the usual suspects including giants goblins and werewolves to JK.
Although Hagrids debut had some hiccups such as Buckbeak getting suitably. See how well you score on your Care Of Magical Creatures Ordinary Wizardry Levels Test. Rowling the magical world of Harry Potter was full of magical things - jobs concepts creatures and items - that would have made no sense to Muggles.
Think you can distinguish one end of a Blast-Ended Skrewt from the other. Take this quiz to find out. This quiz is all about the magical creatures in the famous series.