Hebe Midsummer Beauty

Topiaria AGM Clusters of white flowers from June to August Grey-green leaves evergreen.
Hebe midsummer beauty. Hebe Midsummer Beauty is a medium-sized evergreen shrub that grows up to approximately 15metres in height. Plant Hebe Midsummer Beauty Shrubby Veronica Midsummer Beauty Evergreen Shrubs - in DebsC garden plant collection. Details Midsummer Beauty is a medium-sized evergreen shrub to 2m in height rounded in.
Home Perennials View All Perennials Hebe Midsummer Beauty Our phone lines are incredibly busy and we are working hard to dispatch your orders as quickly. The glossy bright green elliptical leaves emerge with a purple tinge and continue to have have purplish undersides. Hebe Midsummer Beauty 400 Hebe Pink Princess 480 Hebe Starlight 750 Hebe Super Red Edge 480 Hebe Wiri Mist 480 1 1 Searching Please Wait Is this a plant you would like us to sell.
Small lilac flowers that fade. The flowers in shades of blue purple pink or white appear throughout summer and autumn. Peu darbustes apportent autant de couleurs si tard en saison.
Hebe Midsummer Beauty and other long leaved Hebes generally require no pruning unless damaged over winter but can become top-heavy with bare stems at the bottom of the bush. Hebe Midsummer Beauty Hebe Mixed Pack 6 per Tray Hebe Mrs Winder Hebe Nicolas Blush Hebe Orphan Annie Hebe Pastel Blue Hebe Pimeleoides Hebe Collection Hebe Pinguifolia Pageii Genus Hebe Collection Hebe Pink. It has a rounded habit with long narrow leaves that are tinged purple when young.
Small lilac-mauve flowers fading to white are borne in racemes to 15cm in length in summer and autumn. Hebe Midsummer Beauty The Hebe Midsummer Beauty is an upright tall evergreen Hebe perfect for sunny borders in free draining soils. 01782 502741 Trustpilot My Account Sign in.
Summer flowers attract bees and butterflies. Allow space to grow as This Hebe is fast growing and will often out grow surrounding planted material. Hebe Midsummer Beauty Features Height Width 6 6 x 5 2m x 15m Plant Colour Purple Evergreen rounded open shrub with glossy bright green leaves which are reddish-purple beneath.