Layers Of Beauty Plinth

This deck requires a complete strip and clean full service and we will be fitting an Audiomods tonearm.
Layers of beauty plinth. Carl at Plinthology looks like a great budget choice and his 250 inc shipping 401 plinth is the best value hand-made plinth I found if you are not too fussed about a high-end veneered finish. Custom Circular Garrard 301 plinth. Well one Birthday later and courtesy of my Dad heres a new plinth in Oak from Russ Collinson at Layers of Beauty.
Below is a selection of some of the Garrard 301 plinths I have made in the past. So I added a new plinth to my wishlist. Layers Of BeautyLINN LP12 PlinthWalnut.
Layers Of BeautyLINN LP12 PlinthMaple 49500円税込 ミッチェルエンジニアリングMichell Engineering ドライブベルト SOLD OUT LINN LP12用ドライブベルト SOLD OUT Thorens TD124用ドライブベルト新品 19 商品中 1-19. To counteract this the balls rest on adjustable platforms to enable fine adjustment of height. Should be stunning when all the work is done.
My Restored 1954 Garrard 301. I will add more in depth descriptions to each as I get time. I asked for eight layers of alternating solid cherry and birch ply and specified the same width as my Symposium Foundation Ultra top shelf.
Solid Cherry plinth for 9 arms. Below is a selection of some of the Garrard 301 plinths I have made in the past. Layers Of BeautyLINN LP12 PlinthCherry.
Layers Of BeautyLINN LP12 PlinthMaple 49500円税込 Hercules2LINN LP12用 63800円税込 Mober Bearing LINN LP12用 66000円税込 MoseLINN LP12用 107800円 Ultra Groove Thorens TD124アウター. Another nice plinth completed. A Nice Isolated top design which incorporates a top layer suspended on Sorbothane balls within a heavier main plinth.